Fathers are an amazing influence in a child's life. My father, Wayne L. Winert, has such a beautiful life story. Born at the start of World War II, he has seen the world change and grow so much in his lifetime. He was the oldest child, and only son of his parents. He grew up in upstate NY, and has lived most of his life there. He married my mom when he was still young...not quite 20 years old, and they have a marriage that is already 54 years long. He and my mom have 25 children, and continue at home to care for 9 children, who are adults by chronological age, but children, mentally.
My father is an example of unconditional love. I have too many stories to share regarding my father, but here is just one...
When I was 8 years old, my father signed up to be my soccer coach. I was so excited! On the day of my first scrimmage, I broke my arm, and I was unable to play in the first 8 games of the season. It was somewhat devastating to have to be on the sidelines when my dad was coaching. Yet, I was able to see firsthand how much he encouraged and cared for the other players on my team! He built us each up, with encouraging words, and patient directions. Finally, the 9th game came, and my cast was off. It would be the only game I would play that season, as we were leaving for a family vacation out West the next week. I generally played in the fullback position. But my dad gave me the opportunity to play Front Left Wing for one quarter. Somehow, I was able to connect and put the soccer ball in the goal. I remember my dad running out to me and lifting me up in his arms, hugging me so tight. Then immediately when he put me down he said, "Now let's get that shoelace of yours tied!" and he bent down and tied my cleat. I don't think we won that game. But I still remember that feeling of my dad being my #1 cheerleader and being wrapped in the arms of his love!
I love my father so very much! I am so grateful that I am one that has the privilege of calling him "dad"!
Have a wonderful day, dad!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Another year older, hopefully a whole lot wiser too!
I turned old today! I don't feel old. But I think I must be getting old, as friends and I recall events in our life that took place 20, 25, and 30 years ago! That's when my age starts to feel old.
I enjoyed a wonderful day with my family here at home...on of my most favorite places to be! We watched General Conference, listening to our Prophet's words, and teachings from apostles and other leaders of the church! I was reminded of many important truths, and recommitted to doing better. My bestest friend, Shauna and her fam also came to have dinner with us! And to share some yummy cheesecake. I reconnected with an old friend today, and she reminded me of some important things we shared back in 1992 in Germany. It's so nice to know that 20+ years later, and I have a friend who helps me recall important things in my life. Friends and Family are priceless.
I don't have any huge things coming up this year...I haven't set any earth- shattering, cool goals. I want to work on my balance, as a wife, a mother, a therapist, a friend, and a daughter of God. I want to be kind and loving to those around me and myself. I want my husband and my sons to know how much I love them, and I want to be a good daughter.
Here's to a year filled with joy and love!
I enjoyed a wonderful day with my family here at home...on of my most favorite places to be! We watched General Conference, listening to our Prophet's words, and teachings from apostles and other leaders of the church! I was reminded of many important truths, and recommitted to doing better. My bestest friend, Shauna and her fam also came to have dinner with us! And to share some yummy cheesecake. I reconnected with an old friend today, and she reminded me of some important things we shared back in 1992 in Germany. It's so nice to know that 20+ years later, and I have a friend who helps me recall important things in my life. Friends and Family are priceless.
I don't have any huge things coming up this year...I haven't set any earth- shattering, cool goals. I want to work on my balance, as a wife, a mother, a therapist, a friend, and a daughter of God. I want to be kind and loving to those around me and myself. I want my husband and my sons to know how much I love them, and I want to be a good daughter.
Here's to a year filled with joy and love!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Easter Braid Bread
My mother always made this Easter Braid bread when we were kids, and I decided to bake some this year to share with neighbors and delight my boys!
The recipe is pretty easy...
2 c. scalded milk
1/2 c. butter
2 Tsp. yeast (or 2 packages)
1/2 c. lukewarm water
1 c. sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 c. mashed potatoes (soak 1/2 c instant flakes by filling cup with boiling water)
7 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
4 oz maraschino cherries
And then a cream cheese glaze.
So, here is what you do...
Add yeast to the water (if you have rapid rise yeast, you can forego this step and just add the yeast). In a saucepan, put your milk and butter and melt on low heat. Remove from heat when butter is melted. Meanwhile, add salt, sugar, potatoes and eggs to the yeast and mix in your mixer. Then add the milk/butter mixture. Make sure it is not too hot so it won't kill the yeast. Then I add the chopped cherries. Then add 3 cups flour, and beat. Gradually add the remaining flour. Do not knead. I usually spray Pam into a large mixing bowl, and then put the dough in it. I cover it with a towel and let it rise for 1-2 hours on the warm stove top. When doubled, I divide it into two portions, and then I cut each portion into 6 pieces. I roll them out into rope like pieces between my hands. I then braid three of the pieces together. I repeat the process, making 4 braided loves. I then let it rise again another 45 minutes. Adding the eggs is optional. I think it makes the bread look festive and it is super easy. I took uncooked eggs, and put them in a small bowl with water and food coloring to tint them lightly. My sons helped and made a couple of them look tie died. Then I placed them on the bread. Then bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. The eggs will cook while the bread bakes, and are edible.
While the bread is still warm, I make a cream cheese glaze. It is 4 oz cream cheese, softened, 2 cups powdered sugar, 3-5 Tsp. milk, and 1 tsp. almond extract (you could use vanilla too, but I prefer almond.) I also add a bit of the maraschino cherry juice to give it the pink color. Mix that all up, and spread onto the warm bread. Then I added sprinkles! It makes 4 loaves...so plenty to share with neighbors and friends!
Yummy bread that reminds me of my mom, Easter, and family! By the way, you can use this basic recipe, minus the cherries, and use the dough to make cinnamon rolls too, or orange rolls. It is moist and delicious!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Happy Easter!
Jesus Christ,
by Liz Lemon Swindle
I look forward to Easter so much each year. Not so much for the traditions of coloring the eggs, which we didn't do this year, nor for the egg hunts, but for the opportunity to reflect on the Hope that Christ brings for each of us. I am so grateful for my Savior, my elder brother, and friend. The Chief and I have spent more time the past month talking with each of the boys in depth about our Savior and what he did for each of us. We have been watching The Bible on the history channel and discussing the significance of Jesus and his life.
Jesus Christ brings joy and hope to our world. We hope you take time this weekend to reflect on his Atonement and Resurrection, and the meaning of those acts for each of us.
Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
What do you think?
Are you adventurous enough to try a new flavor of m&m's? Here at the Skelly household, we decided to go for it, since carrot cake is a favorite for many of us, and we also love white chocolate.
Well, it was a definite hit for 3 of us, and for two of us it was a strike-out! I am in the category of the strike-out. I didn't like them at all. And McKay, who loves carrot cake was deeply disappointed.
Yet, the other three think they are winners! So, maybe you should do a taste test at your household and see what the results are for yourself!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Sister time
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Las Vegas, 2011 Mom, Suzanne, Robin, Gretchen, Erika, Ingrid, and Kari My sister, Robin, is flying across the country as I type, along with her son, Mitchell. I'm so excited for her to come and visit. There is something just so wonderful about having a sister. I've been blessed to have 14 of them. Robin is my sister just older than me. She and I shared a lot over the years, and we both have stories to tell. Since I want her to keep my secrets (aka embarrassing moments) I will do the same and keep hers! Hopefully, I will remember to get my camera out this week and take some fun photos of us enjoying our rare time together! |
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Heart fun
Yesterday, Intermountain Healthcare hosted a Heart Healthy Fair at Intermountain Medical Center. I had to work, and the two oldest boys were at a Boy Scout Powwow, but I encouraged the Chief and his brother (who is living with us) to go and get their free screenings. Seth, of course, had to tag along with them. It wasn't a whole lot of fun for Seth, except that they were handing out free stress balls, shaped like hearts!
Seth was allowed to take one for each of his brothers as well! He was thrilled to present us with a heart when he returned home. Then somehow, the boys "invented" the old game of hot potato with the heart. Our family began playing this yesterday evening, following Noah's basketball game, which they won, and we were all hyped up for some reason. We played "hot heart" for a number of rounds, and laughed and laughed. It was difficult to convince them to put the hearts down and turn in much later than their scheduled bedtime. On a positive note, today is Sunday and they can sleep in, and they all still are asleep this morning!
This post is just an expression of gratitude for Intermountain Healthcare, my stable employer, who provides opportunities for the community to get healthy, for my family who enjoy playing together, and for our warm home that keeps us all safe on this cold, snowy February morning!
Happy Heart Day this week!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Inversion, shmersion

I've lived in Utah 24 years, for the past 7 years, we've been in Salt Lake County. Noone really told me about this Inversion thing that happens every January/February! Its not really something to complain about because it is going to happen, whether I complain or not, so we've decided to not complain.
Instead, we are spending our January doing things that keep us indoors. This month alone, we have completed 4 puzzles. We are in the middle of another right now. All of us have really gotten into it, and are having so much fun, celebrating when someone finds a piece!
We have also been immersed in the Scriptures! We accepted a challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 80 days. It takes time and perservance! After 21 days, we are still on track! We have enjoyed the family time, and the discussion that has ensued.
The boys have also created a large fort in the basement! They are so creative, and it is fun to listen to them downstairs come up with ideas on how to improve the fort, as they work together!
Noah also completed everything to earn his Webelos Badge, and his Arrow of Light for Cub Scouts. He will start Boy Scouts next week! He also turns 11 next Sunday.
McKay is working on getting his Life Rank in Boy Scouts. One more merit badge to go!
So, despite the yucky, polluted air outside, we are staying warm and toasty in the sub-freezing temperatures outside.
I'm definitely looking forward to Spring though!
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