Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Sunday, a day of rest and relaxation

This day was just wonderful...the way that I wish every Sunday could be. We got up on time, and the morning wasn't stressful. Went to church, and enjoyed the meetings. Then home with the boys, and I made a deal with them if they helped clean up the house, I would make Peach Cobbler for them. That was a winning deal! My house got clean and we all enjoyed cobbler for dessert!

We spent the afternoon, hanging together, we relaxed, played Mario Cart together, played a new card game that McKay taught us, and had a really yummy dinner of lasagna, with rolls and green beans (and later the cobbler for dessert!)

The boys all went to bed on time, with their lunches made for tomorrow and their clothes laid out! Just a wonderful fall day...hope we have lots of Sundays like today.

Now, to go to bed....Nighty Night

1 comment:

  1. wow, If I had the talent to offer peach cobbler, maybe my home would run smoothly also!
