Recently, my 4 year old has begun coming into our room sometime in the night, and climbing into our bed, and sleeping between the Chief and I. I don't notice when he comes until he kicks me in the back, or bum, or worse, the face. Then, I tend to push him toward the Chief, and put the body pillow (love that thing) between Seth and I, as protective armor.
For whatever reason, two nights ago, I woke up at 2:28 (I don't know why I remember those mundane details in the middle of the night but I do!) to hear Seth crying outside our door. I got up, opened the door, and he then climbed in bed, and went back to sleep. I decided to use the bathroom since I was up already. By the time I got back about 2 minutes later, Seth was fast asleep, taking up 2/3 of the bed. The Chief had about 1/4 of the bed, so it left me about exactly 2.5 inches of the edge! I tried to gently manuvere him closer to the chief and into a more vertical position, rather than spread over the majority of the bed, but to no avail. So, by now it is 2:38 and I'm completely awake. I lay there another 10 minutes and decide that it was ridiculous to lay there on the edge of falling off the bed, completely awake. I got up and went out to the family room. What to do? Hmmmm....
If I were my bestest friend, I'd get dressed and head to Wally World, which she loves to frequent during insomnia filled nights. Me, I'm a home girl, and don't like venturing out at 2:30 in the morning. So, I went surfing. And I found an amazing blog called the mom. Check it out...she will make you laugh, and cry, and remind you why being a mom is such a wonderful thing.
Finally at 3:40, I decided I better get myself back in bed, as my long day ahead wasn't going to allow for sleepiness induced crankiness. So, I went to the guest room, and enjoyed counting sleep, til before I knew it, the Chief and Setheroo were waking me with kisses, to say good-bye as they headed out the door. I went back to my bed, reset the alarm clock for another 20 minutes and enjoyed having the bed all to myself.
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