When I was a kid, homework was minimal by my recollection, until I hit high school. When I think of High School, vivid memories of sitting at the kitchen table attempting to understand chemistry and then physics problems stand out! Listening to my dad explain chemistry (that was his major in college) for hours, and still not being closer to any kind of understanding was usually par for the course. Somehow, I made it through those days. Then came college, and homework multiplied! Oh, the nights of little sleep as I somehow attempted to learn 250 German vocab words, along with American Heritage assignments and Zoology. Then the endless research papers on mulptiple psychology subjects. It is all a blur now. With only a summer off between graduation and graduate school, I didn't really have time to appreciate the "no homework" and hours of studying. Then Graduate School came and took me to a whole new level. Then finally, the big day came...when I thought I was done. No more homework ever! What a delusion that was!
Within months of getting married, I found myself up to my elbows in homework again...not my own mind you, but the Chief had decided to go to college, and needed support and so I became the resident editor of all papers and the research assistant and the flash card maker. I actually got to learn some cool stuff, and suffer through another history class and anthropology. But then, that big day came and I breathed a sigh of relief...homework was over, so I thought. But again, this educated girl was wrong.
See, I have kids...and they have homework, which means...you guessed it, I have homework AGAIN. Now, some may say, "what's the big deal? It's only 4th grade!" But the time that I spend with my children coaching, cheerleading, and supporting are countless. Last night was one of the longest nights of homework....we spent 6 hours at the kitchen table. And guess what? We're back there again tonight. And I only see years and years ahead of me of doing homework.
I better be smart at the end of all this.
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