Friday, January 29, 2010

banana bread and more

When my 4 year old crawled in my bed at 6:30, it basically woke me from my deep sleep and I was awake for the day. I decided to enjoy the quiet of the house, and start the banana bread that I intended to bake. And then I may as throw in the first of many loads of laundry too. And before I knew it, I was in deep with cleaning the kitchen. Soon, boys started waking up and coming up for breakfast. We have 3 extra boys this weekend (our best friends took a weekend away! Hopefully, they are enjoying the time together sans kiddos!), so there were 5 boys around the table and lots of chatter too. My littlest guy stayed asleep somehow and I had the good fortune of the Chief going into work late this morning so he offered to drive the 4 boys to school so I didn't have to wake up Seth. AJ curled up on the couch and watched Toy Story while I was a whirlwind of energy cleaning my abode. After the kitchen, I tackled the tile and mopped til it shined! Then off to the main bathroom where too many boys left too much mess behind! Finally, at 9 a.m., I decided to take break and let myself enjoy a still warm slice of banana bread. It was a productive morning and I still had many more hours ahead of me! I love days like this...I can enjoy the clean house, play with the kids, and savor the sweet banana bread! This is the life!

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