Sunday, November 21, 2010

The White Stuff Surprise

I'm in shock...that's why I'm blogging on a Sunday morning at 6:40 a.m.! Here's my story...last night The Chief and I went on a date. We went down to the District (just 7 minutes away) to see the movie, Unstoppable (with Denzel Washington and Chris Pine...sooo good...plan to see it if you haven't!) at 5:30. We were thinking of getting dinner afterward. However, when we came out of the movie at 7:30, we discovered that 2 inches of snow had fallen, had already covered the cars and was sticking on the roads. I was already feeling some anxiety about the boys at home (McKay was tending his brothers) as they had texted us a few times at the start of the movie. So, we just stopped at Subway and got The Chief a sandwich and headed home. It took us over 10 minutes to get home (we were following someone going REALLY slow!)

It looked like it slowed down during the evening, and the weather report said maybe a little more snow expected through the night and then more on Sunday night into Monday and even more on Tuesday!  However, this is where that weather guy got it completely wrong...
The snow is up to Penny's chest! She didn't love it!
There is just something wrong about my fall foilage being covered in so much snow.

I'm guessing we got 12-15 inches of the White Stuff overnight. My boys are completely OVERJOYED. The Chief not so much as I woke him up extra early on a Sunday to go shovel so we can get to church on time! Me, well, I'm trying to remain positive about it. I haven't really had a positive relationship with the White Stuff in the past, and I'm trying to think better about the stuff. It's easier on a Sunday when I don't have to drive 12 miles to work...we'll see how I think about the stuff tomorrow!