Friday, February 11, 2011

Open weekend!

I'm pretty excited to have no pressing plans for the weekend! My house is clean (for the most part) and things are quiet! Isn't this what it is about? My two youngest are painting some Valentine Hearts. My oldest stays at school til 5 on Fridays now for play rehearsal. I've got to get Noah to the dr. in an hour for his annual physical. And of course, I have to work tomorrow morning, but that's no biggie! Then, Noah has his final basketball game. So far, his team is undefeated. We'll see if they are able to hold onto it. Wouldn't it be awesome...seeing how his football team went undefeated, and won the championship for his division, and now his little Junior Jazz team. How'd he get so lucky to get on teams that are so athletic?!

After that, we have nothing planned. And the weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS! Mid 50's for February! How perfect is that? Maybe a family bike ride will be in order!

Then Sunday, we'll go to church. Seth is still adjusting to his new primary teachers. They are a nice, young couple, who probably are not used to the antics of a busy, independent 5 year old! Hopefully, that will go smoothly!

Here's to a fabulous weekend, filled with Sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Hope your weekend turned out as nice as you were hoping it would. The weather was great, so hopefully you got to enjoy it!
