Saturday, July 31, 2010

The joys of homeownership

We've been homeowners now for 12 years. This is our second home. What we learned from our first home was that neither the Chief nor I want a huge lawn. So, with the second home, we got a bigger home, with a smaller lot, and if we are being honest here, also a slightly larger mortgage payment. I think we have .21 acres now, and that includes the house, and the large driveway, and the patio we put in, so really NOT that much grass, yet, it's Saturday, and summer, so that means mowing the lawn, along with edging, and weeding, and spraying and on and on and on. Our 12 year old lawnmower decided he wants to be in the retirement home and is just 3 lawn mowings away from giving up the ghost, I think. So, we decided to buy a new mower before Mr. Toro went to the lawn mower cemetery. Just what I want to do: pluck down a large sum of geld for a new Mr. Troy Bilt. But alas, the grass keeps getting longer, so that's exactly what the Chief and I did on our date last night. 

And you know what? Mr. Troy Bilt on his first run out, got all choked up and needs a break and he hasn't even finished the park strip! Could he be a lemon? I have threatened to march him back to Lowe's and give one of his brother's a chance to prove himself. We shall see.

But on a positive note, as soon as the Chief and Mr. Troy Bilt finish up with their exercise, the Chief and I get a real date that doesn't involve shopping for a new lawnmower! But when we come home, we'll be sure to glance at the lawn and appreciate that we have a lawn and a home to come home to!

Friday, July 30, 2010

New eyes

Yesterday, I took my oldest to the eye doctor. Unfortunately, McKay has bad eyesight. He has been wearing glasses the past 2 years. Last year, he begged to get contacts, and we told him he could get them for his 11th birthday if he took care of his glasses and wore them every single day (as the first year, he often "forgot" them in his desk, or under his bed, or any place other than his face). I didn't think he would be able to do it, but he stepped up, and took care of those glasses, and wore them daily. And reminded us of our promise. Then this past week, the dog somehow rolled onto his glasses and broke them to the point that they needed the duck tape to keep them together. Not such a cool look. So, we went to see Dr. Mike, and he said he thought McKay was ready to handle contacts. So, without further adieu, he put them in for McKay, and McKay has brand new eyes. Well, not really, but he suddenly has these big beautiful brown eyes that his mamma can see without glasses blocking the way!

I'm really excited for him. He is doing well with putting them in and taking them out. He is excited to wear sunglasses, and to have a new cool look. He's seems to be strutting around more today! Makes a mamma proud!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Beauty of our World

Our Family in Moab, UT  --- July 2010

Our family went to Moab and Arches National Park with my brother, Andrew and his wife Heather and their three kiddos and my older sister, Suzanne and her husband Linden, and 5 of their kids, and my younger sister, Kari. So, in total, 18 of us! We stayed in air conditioned cabins at a campground, close to Arches. It was fantastic, with the exception of the mosquitoes! Taking time away helps me remember how beautiful this world is we live in! God outdid himself when he created Arches! See for yourself!
Yes, it is a photo overload post! We also went white water rafting down the Colorado River for a day, but we only have prints from that as the digital camera didn't make the trip! We can't wait to go again next year! Moab is Superb! We met a number of people from all over the World. I can easily understand why they make the trek to this corner of the World! It is a wonder to behold! And to think it is only 4 hours from home!

Balanced Rock

Seth and the Chief almost to the Delicate Arch

Gretch, Kari, and Andrew at Delicate Arch
Our family hiking the Windows! The boys had a blast!
The Chief at Gemini Bridges
Kari, Heather, Linden, Suzanne, Gretch, and Andrew
The Kiddos after the hike to Delicate Arch
The Double Arch...such a fun place to climb and explore

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time off

We're taking off...just a few days, but I hope they will be full of fun, love, laughter, and activity designed to create lasting memories! We going to Moab with my sister Suzanne and her family and my brother, Andrew and his family, and my baby sister, Kari. So, about 20 of us. We're going to do some hiking at Arches National Park, and we're going to do some white water rafting, and hanging out at the pool to beat the heat.

We're just going to enjoy time off of work, time off of the routine, and time away as a family! Can't wait for first light...we'll be off!

I'll post pics when we get back!

Friday, July 16, 2010


I was thinking of writing a post on overcoming fear. But here's the thing, I haven't learned to do it yet. I am presently consumed with fear. My fear has to do with a woman named Brandi. I should tell you that I adore Brandi, trully adore her. But I also fear her, especially today!

Brandi is one of the personal trainers I've been working with, helping the Chief and I on our journey to good health. I've been going to her boot camp each week, and sometimes twice a week. I went this past Tuesday and it was so difficult for me. It was high intensity cardio for the entire hour and I struggled. And it was good for me, and I did more than I had been doing. And I wanted to throw up. And I couldn't breathe. But I finished it.

And I'm going to do it again today. And I will finish it. In the meantime, I'm filled with dread. But maybe that is part of learning to overcome fear. You feel the fear, you don't let it hold you back, you push through it, and then you are on the otherside. Until next Tuesday when the fear is back roaring it's head!

Pray for me!

P.S. Just wanted to say that I went to the class and gave it my all! Thanks to my friend, Michelle, who gave me a great pep talk an hour before the class when I was wavering again! It was worth it to go and get strong and challenge my fear!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Date Night

Last night, the Chief and I finally got a date night! We have been really good about going out each week for the past couple of years, but for the past 6 weeks, we just haven't had an opportunity to do more than go across the street to work out. While that is fun, it just hasn't been cutting it for quality alone time that every couple needs! So, last night, we asked our nephew to tend the boys, rented a redbox for them to enjoy, and we headed out. So, the dilemma...what to do? We're still in our weight loss challenge, so we knew we didn't want to eat out. We decided to head to Kohl's to go shopping for new running shoes for both of us. Now, that we've been working out so much, our shoes really needed to be upgraded! So, we went, and we tried on a variety of shoes. I even had the Chief and myself try on the Shape-up shoes. They are pretty funky, and we laughed at one another as we walked around "toning up our calves". I tried on some super high heels that made me taller than the Chief and almost caused me to topple over there in the middle of the store! We just really enjoyed being silly, and some seriousness, and no kids to supervise!

When we finished our shopping, we couldn't figure out what to do. It was too early to go home, and too late to do very many activities. We finally settled on going to see a movie. It was a comedy that let us just continue the fun evening of being silly, and laughing out loud!

And when we got home, the best part? All the children were asleep, and it even looked like at least half of them had brushed their teeth! Can a mother ask for much more than that???

And just in case you were wondering, the movie, DATE NIGHT, starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell was a great movie...although it wasn't the one we happened to see last night!

Moral of the Story: taking your significant other on a date is a very positive thing, and I highly recommend it be done often! And thanks again, Chief, for a very enjoyable night!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Check that one off the List!

This is the VIEW from the Top of the Y, in Provo, UT! It overlooks the whole valley and is BEAUTIFUL up there! When we started this Weight Loss Challenge, I made the goal to hike to the Y again, as I haven't done it since 1996. And before that I did it in 1988, so it was time to make that climb again! I told the Chief my goal 3 weeks ago and while he wasn't excited, he agreed that it would be a healthy activity for our family to do together. All three boys did fantastic. Seth was nervous at first, when he saw the edge and the drop off, but he soon overcame his fears and was leading the family up the mountain. I'm not going to sugarcoat was tough for Scott and I. It took us an hour to go up the 1.2 miles, as we had to rest often. All 3 of the boys did it with flying colors! They found "walking sticks" early in the climb and enjoyed having them. So, let's get to the good stuff...the photos:

Here are my boys at the start of the trail!
We are about a quarter of the way up at this point! Such a beautiful world we live in!
The Chief making his way onward
Yup, I was sweating by this point, but that is good for weight loss, right? I still had the energy to smile!
Here we are at the top, enjoying a much appreciated rest and a little snack!
I love my family!
McKay wanted to climb all over the Y...even though he is afraid of heights, he had no fear up there!
The View from up top. The Y is quite large. I should have gotten a photo from below so you can see the whole Y on the Mountain side.
I love this photo of my men!
Our family can check this off for a family adventure that we accomplished together on July 5, 2010!

Happy 4th of July! Get ready for Photo Overload!

It wouldn't be the 4th of July without a BBQ! We went to Lehi to my sister's house. The boys played with their cousins, and enjoyed being together. We even played our family game of "Murder" (we really should change the name!)
Seth had fun with his hamburger! He was a hoot!
The Menfolk preparing the fireworks!

Because of the wind (and the cold) it took a lot to get them lit.
And then they didn't want to stay upright, so needless to say we did very few fireworks that evening.
The litte Menfolk wanted to be on the edge of the action and waited patiently for the fireworks to do their stuff!
The next day, on the actual 4th of July, we went to our friend's home for another BBQ. It was a lot of fun to be together with the Price and Miles families. They are our best friends! Isn't my 10 year old growing up so quickly? I am glad he will still stop to pose for a photo with his momma!
Darren, Craig, and Scott manned the grill. Looking so happy to do it, huh?
There was Yummy (looking) cake too to celebrate our Country's Birthday! I heard it was good, but I didn't partake...still following Kristi approved, and somehow I don't think Kristi would have approved of this!!!

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy July!

July snuck up on me. I don't know how it got here so quickly! We're home for the holiday, but still have lots of plans. I am sneaking in a few minutes to share about the weekend while the Chief is at the movies with Martin (our nephew staying with us) and McKay and Noah. They are seeing a "boy" movie - The Last Airbender. Now, I realize that some females like that kind of stuff, but not this girl, nor the females that I hang with, so don't get mad at me if you are one of those girls that like that kind of movies. Anyhow, when they get home, we are headed to my sister's house for some summer fun! They are only 30 minutes away from us, but I haven't seen her since Easter! We don't usually go that long, but she was out of town for almost a month, so that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it! I've missed her though! I'm excited for her to see me and the Chief! Afterall, since we last saw her, we've dropped a combined 70 lbs! Can you believe that? I wish I could say it was an equal drop, or I did more than my share, but unfortunately, the Chief gets the credit for that!

This challenge has been incredible for us! We've both stayed positive and worked hard to be healthy. I just got back from the gym a short time ago. The gym has become a place I look forward to going, and a place where I want to be...I like pushing myself a little more, a little faster, a little longer! And bootcamps...I am going 2x/week. I want to drop the extra weight and get to a healthy place, where I can do what I want with ease!

Okay, I got off on a tangent! So, tonight will include fireworks and fun cousin time and probably some good chat time with my big sis. Tomorrow, we will attend church, and then do some family activity, and then head to another friend's place in the evening to celebrate the 4th. Monday our family will be hiking Y Mountain! I can't wait! I haven't done it in years! I think it is 12 years for me! The Chief and the boys haven't ever done it, so this is big! The Chief is finally in a place where he can do something active like this! Where his knees won't be screaming, where he won't be complaining the whole time, and taking a break every other foot! This is a major goal of mine: do healthy fun activities with my family! And so we are doing it! The rest of the day is open, depending on how everyone is feeling. We may hit the waterslides at Classic Skating or go bowling...something fun as a family, celebrating the freedom we have in this Great Country of the US of A!

Happy Independence Day!