Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Here we go...

Monday, April 26, 2010
Words of Wisdom
The theme was Strengthening our Families. We were reminded of the importance of having family prayer, family scripture study, family home evenings, and regular temple attendance. They also introduced the idea of holding family interviews, where the parents meet monthly with each child and discuss serious things, set goals and reaffirm our love for them. After the meeting, since we already had a sitter, The Chief and I decided to head to Marble Slab Creamery to finish our glorious evening with a favorite treat: Ice Cream! There we talked about what we heard and both of us were excited about family interviews. We thought it would be a great way to give the kids our 2 on 1 attention, which is rare in this family.
Sunday morning, we presented the idea to the kids and they LOVED it. They did not want to wait to start, and so we agreed to conduct our first family interviews that afternoon. It was really neat. I loved hearing my sons' ideas and suggestions and their personal goals. It really touched my heart! Setheroo wants to learn to ride his bike without training wheels! Isn't that so sweet to hear from a 4 year old. I mean, of course, we knew he wanted to do that, but to hear him say those words and that is what his little heart wants, we were floored! We wrote down all the goals and we are going to work toward them. The Cheif and I even set some goals too.
So, I'm glad I went to the meeting and for the wisdom I gained!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Our family goes Birdwatching
So, here are some of the photos of some of the birds we saw. Who knew there were so many cool birds in our neck of the woods?
Friday, April 16, 2010
It's almost date night!
I really look forward to when we have a date planned! And we have one set for tomorrow night! We've got the sitter arranged, and the plans set...dinner at Market Street Grill (with a nice GC from a client) and then shopping for a dishwasher (tax return is going to come in handy!) and I'm really looking forward to spending some 1 on 1 time with the Chief.
The boys look forward to date night too because they love the sitters we arrange and have a fun time playing non-stop while we are gone. So, it's really a win-win all the way around!
In the meantime, I still need to finish some chores around the house. Finally finished the laundry and 5 of the 6 loads are all put away...one more to go. Off to clean the bathrooms while I reward my boys with a redbox movie!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sunshine and bike rides
I got to go on a bike ride yesterday with my new birthday bike! It was awesome! It has been too long since I've ridden a bike. My 40 year commitment to myself is to get back to biking this year. As a kid, even into my 20's, I really enjoyed riding. I'm not a mountain bike kinda girl. I just love to be outside, with the wind blowing my hair. It really is the formula for the perfect kind of day!
So, if you haven't ridden a bike lately...maybe you should give it a try. And if you live close by, maybe you can give me a call and we can go together!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today, I woke up at 4 a.m. feeling pretty yucky. I have been coughing and I felt something sitting in my chest. I was exhausted, yet struggled to sleep. I wished I could stay home and under the covers, but I knew that was not an option that I would like in the long run. Tuesdays are my long day...work at job #1 from 8-4:20, then drive to job #2 and work there from 5-9, except tonight it was til 9:45. I never felt less yucky, and in fact, I felt more yucky most of the morning, but I still was able to do my job, and run my groups and see my clients, and talk with my honey and my children.
And then I was able to drive home in my van, that starts up as soon as I turn the key, and enter into my warm, comfortable, albeit completely messy home, where love is.
When I got to job #2 tonight, one of my favorite people in the world was there to share a presentation on his 2 weeks in Haiti. He shared some photos and some stories. My eyes filled with tears to hear the faithfulness of the people there. The patience and the gratitude of these people who have nothing in the physical sense. Yet, they smile, they share, they love. They thank their God, and they look for ways to help themselves and others.
Despite living in poverty, living in a devasted country, with so few resources, they still sing the Lord's praises. Complaints are seldom heard.
They are an example to me, this is how I want to be. I want it to be enough, that I awake, that I have my family, that I have opportunities, that I have my freedom, and I have so many luxuries.
I am blessed. I hope I'll never ever forget how blessed I am.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It's my day...the big 4-0!
I have to post on my birthday, right? I was a women of leisure today! I took the day off from work. I did still have to drive carpool this morning, and then there were still 2 loads of laundry to fold, so I did that too, but then I took some leisure...I started with dying my hair...gotta officially hide the grays now! Then I took a hot shower. While there, I noticed that the bathroom could use a nice cleaning, so I interupted my life of leisure to clean the master bath, but then, went back to celebrating...I went to the library...one of my favorite places...love the smell of books! Unfortunately, they were having story time there and so my typically quiet library was overrun with toddlers who weren't exactly listening to the story and their mommies who were enjoying a social hour. Then, moved on, to picking up my bestest friend, Shauna. Together, we went to see the Last Song. Did not know I would be crying in this film, so if you are going to go see it, take a few kleenix! Then we went to Archibald's Restaurant for lunch! Boy, was that yummy. I hadn't been there for 15 plus years and I wonder why I haven't gone there more frequently. Afterward, I dropped Shauna home and came home to encourage McKay and Noah to do their reading and piano practicing while I took calls from my friends and family sending their birthday wishes.
Then the Chief arrived home and took us all out to Cafe Rio (YUM, YUM, YUM) for dinner and then we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy, which is a new bakery in town. I learned about it from Nie Nie at nieniedialogues.blogspot.com. If you haven't heard of Stephenie and her blog, I highly recommend reading her story, and her blog. It is so inspiring. And her vaNIElla cupcake named after her was so delicious and the perfect thing to end this special day of mine.
And I've even included a photo to mark the occasion!
Happy 40th Birthday to me!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Our Family Trip in Laramie, WY
We booked a room at the Hampton Inn and went to Walmart and bought swimsuits for the 5 of us. We tried to see a movie but there theater here only plays 5 shows and there was only 1 appropriate for kids and my boys had seen it the previous weekend and I had no desire to see it. So, we did the next best thing...we went swimming and in the hot tub at the hotel's indoor pool. And we had fun together. Even though this was NOT what we had planned or wanted.
Funny how life somehow brings you moments of Joy, not always in the way you planned.
So, now, the 3 kiddos are settled in on one of the queen beds, and the Chief is already asleep too. I'm remembering once again that I wished I remembered to bring a flashlight on my trips, so I could read by the light for a bit. My mom always does that. And I always wish I did that. But I haven't gotten to that point of actually doing it.
Anyhow, just learned that I-80 is open again, although it still looks pretty snow packed. It looks like all the semi's that were overtaking the local Walmart parking lot are making their way Eastward. Hopefully, after a good night's sleep, we too will make our way Eastward, and then South with the end destination at my oldest friend's place. We'll get there somehow, Jules and Lee! And this trip will be one we talk about for ages.